For all those who didn’t make it to collect their preordered Glen Moray à la Belge box, we organise an extra pick-up moment:
Monday 21st of December between 12h00 and 15h00.
When you come to the Thistle church to collect your order, please bring the correct amount of cash, or make sure the money has been transferred to our bank account before you arrive at the takeaway.
Because some people notified us that they could not make it last weekend, we organise an extra moment for you to pick-up your box. Thursday 17th of december between 16h00 and 19h00.
When you come to the Thistle church to collect your order, please bring the correct amount of cash, or make sure the money has been transferred to our bank account before you arrive at the takeaway.
It has been a BIZAR past year with the struggle to launch this unique Single Malt Scotch and for completely different reasons we are currently still living in BIZAR times.
We are really, very happy to announce that you can come and pick-up your new Whisky à la Belge bottling, Glen Moray à la Belge, on the 12th and 13th of December 2020. This also means that we can start shipping to those who are not able to personally come and pick-up their BOX.
We planned on a special event for this grant occasion, but Covid-19 really limits us to a simple take away moment.
We do like to give you a suggestion to make it a happy day-out.
The BIZAR location to pick up your BOX is: Church Ten Broek at Zavelberg 7 in 1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode.
The church is located on the outskirts of Pajotteland, which is a really nice, rural area near Brussels. It is really good for hiking and mountainbiking, so we suggest to combine one of these sportive activities in the nearby area and enjoy the surrounding nature before picking-up your BOX.
7 borre
Herisem Papiermolen
7 borre
You can google your own routes or pick one of these 3 suggestions for some lovely walks that pass the BIZAR pick-up location very closely:
THE ALCOHOL PRODUCTS ON THIS WEBSITE ARE INTENDED FOR ADULTS ONLY. By entering this website, you certify that you are of legal drinking age in the location in which you reside (age 18+ in Belgium).